Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 2010: Part I

September this year has been an especially busy month. Each week and weekend has been chalk full of trips and guests and I didn't want it to slip by without properly acknowledging three important events that happen EVERY September, the Birthdays of my sister Emily, my wonderful Mama, and my sister Elizabeth. They are all such amazing women and I know that so much of what they do and who they are go unrecognized that I want to celebrate them here!

September 1: Emily Ann Durham's 30-something birthday!
Like most sisterly relationships go, Emily and my relationship has had it share of ups and downs. She was always the smart, cute, sweet older daughter whose shoes I could never seem to fill. (Still the case :)) And like most big sisters occassionally liked to torment me.

Some of the things she would do to me were shove things in my nose, ie rolled up Hershey Kiss wrappers, and the orange part of the calla lily flower, throw things at me, and generally blame me whenever the opportunity presented itself. There was name calling and hair pulling, but it was not all bad.

Fortunately as we got older we learned to have an appreciation for each other. One summer when she left for girls camps before I was old enough to go she planned a scavenger hunt for me to do every day while she was away so I would not feel left out. I remember the big find at the end of the hunt was a perfume that I really liked! She made me feel so special. I also got to visit her during her freshman year of college and stay overnight with her in her dorm room. It felt so great to be included by my much cooler, older sister.

Emily is special to me for a number of reasons. Some of them listed above. She still is smart and fun and cute! She is a great mom, she is super creative and she is still a great big sister. I know she loves me for who I am and would do anything for me if I needed! Happy Birthday big Sister! I love you!

September 11: Mamacitas 29th birthday, again :D
Oh where do I begin? My mom is a one woman super power. There is nothing she can't and won't do! She is kind, loving, accepting, out-going, hard-working, creative, fun... the list could go on and on. My mom and I have also had our share of differences (mostly because I always thought I knew more than I did) but I have gained more than an appreciation for the amazing person she is.

I think my moms top talents are her creativity, which includes her ability to find anything and I mean ANYTHING at a thrift store and her flair for decorating (and re-decorating), her compassion for those her around, and her commitment to always doing the right thing in any circumstance.

I once had a conversation with a friend where I mentioned that my mom would often tell me how smart and beautiful and talented I was. My friend looked at me kind of funny so I asked, doesn't your mom tell you those things? My friend replied, no, and that I must have a very special mom.

My mom is better than special, I am so lucky to be her daughter and have her as an example for good in my life. I love you Mom!

September 27: Lizard's 23rd birthday!
Much like my relationship with Emily, Liz and I have had our share of love and hate! Only this time I took advantage of being the big sister and tormented her! Like most big sisters, I thought she was annoying and didnt like for her to be around.

Things could not be any different now! I'm so glad to have such a forgiving sister that she still loves me after all the mean things I did to her! Not only do I have an amazing little sister, but a friend as well. Every year she gets older she becomes more talented and mature that it is easy to forget she is younger than me. She is so funny, and kind and a wonderful friend and daughter. I love you Liz!!

I am so blessed to have such wonderful women in my life and family. They all set such wonderful examples of how to be a mom, a wife, a sister, and a friend. I could not imagine my life without their influence.


  1. Ha ha ha!! I don't remember any of those mean things and I don't remember that scavenger hunt either. I'm glad you have forgiven me and that you still like me. Thanks for this nice post. You're the best! PS also, how did Mom get younger than me?

  2. I dont know but I catch up to her next year! glad you liked my post! Its funny because I remember those things, but I dont remember the mean or nice things i did for liz! and ironically enough calla lillies are one of my favorite flowers!
